A Professional and Official Airbnb Pro Photographer Partner for your Short Term Vacation Rental

Airbnb Photographer

I am Hari. As a professional airbnb photographer, I have helped countless Airbnb hosts to present their airbnb listings at it’s best. Check out the airbnb host reviews below if you’ve been looking for a local airbnb photographer near me in Charlotte, NC.

  • 24 hrs delivery

    99% of the time, I deliver the photos to hosts within 24 hours.

  • 10x click through

    My clients have always told me that the Airbnb listing started to get more clicks and more people adding it to their wish lists. Keep in mind that photos are the first thing that draws Airbnb guests.

Airbnb Photographer Charlotte NC
  • 18

    Years of Experience

  • 400+

    Airbnb listings

  • 5*

    Highly reviewed

  • Masters Degree in Prof. Photography

    As much as this is about me, it is also about the airbnb hosts. My education in photography lets me take pictures with great perspective, composition, and lighting that make the listing look better.

    featured clients and known as
    Snappr’s Best Airbnb Photographer Charlotte NC

  • Starting Price: $275

    Under 1000 Sq Ft. $275 (max up-to 25 photos)
    Each Additional +100 Sq Ft. +$25
    Detail Shots +$50 (see examples)
    Replace Grass and make it green $10 /each
    Drone Photos $75 (5 photos)
    Daylight to Twilight shot conversion: $20 /each (see examples)

    Why Professional Photographer for Airbnb?

    First impressions matter for Travellers, and professional photos help their decision making process easier.

    Airbnb has become the go-to website for travelers looking to stay at unique places around the globe. With over 5.6 million airbnb listings worldwide and still counting, the short term vacation rental market is exploding now than ever before. With all the competition, If you don’t pay attention to details in every aspects of your airbnb listing, you may lose visibility to the potential guest. It all starts with professional airbnb photos.
    Real Estate Photography Charlotte NC

    The Importance Professional Airbnb Photography

    The people who are looking to book an Airbnb, are absolutely looking for a home vibe. So why do you need a professional photo shoot, If you can just use your iPhone to take photos and throw some filters on there to edit a batch of photos?

    I am part of various Airbnb Facebook groups, and I come across this question almost every week. Even if not the majority, many new Airbnb hosts wonder and struggle to get bookings. One of the particular reason is always photos. As I write this article, there was a post on Facebook yesterday as you can see below.

    I highly recommend you to join these Facebook groups, if you haven’t already:

    Airbnb Host Community – Vent, Recommend, and Discuss 
    AirBNB / VRBO / HomeAway / Short Term Rental Discussion
    The Hosts of Airbnb Automated

    As I write this article, there was a post on Facebook yesterday as you can see below.

    Real Estate Photography Charlotte NC

    I have been a member for years, I do my best to contribute to these groups. I did check the listing. It has good photos but, not good enough to get the potential Airbnb guest’s attention. Also, The host’s selection of photos can take a revisit.

    Other than the living room cover image, it had way too many detail shots with very few photos of the actual space. The connectivity of the space was missing.

    Having furnished beautiful interior photos alone is not enough. It has to be presented at its best. The hosts with tremendous success in Airbnb, never fail to invest in professional photography for their listings.

    More than ever, people are traveling more in 2021. During the pandemic, the number of Airbnb hosts have increased as well. It’s very competitive. When you travel, wouldn’t you be super picky in choosing the right place for your stay? And where does it all begin? Think about it. It’s always the pictures that attract you the most and make you book.

    Of course, a catchy title that highlights the space, amenities, guest experience matters too. But it’s a lateral part.

    As a superhost myself, I can reassure you that the click-through rate comes from having the right photo.


    “To get more bookings, professional photos and nightly price alone isn’t enough.
    Guest experience matters.

    My first Airbnb property was not even in the most desirable location in charlotte. But I managed to have over 80% occupancy. I never fail to gather feedback from every guest. I ask,

    1) What made the Airbnb guest choose my place to stay?

    2) Is there anything I can improve that’d make their stay better?

    3) If there were 3 things that’d make their future stay awesome what’d that be?

    For #1, it’s always the photo that grabbed their attention. It’s true that professional photos look so much brighter and vibrant than reality. The architectural photographer’s primary job is to enhance the beauty of the space. The majority of the population could spot professional photography vs. amateur photography.

    Guests understand online portfolio photos are always enhanced. Nobody questions why the rooms are darker than the photos when they stay at Hilton. Well, 5% of the guests in Airbnb can give you a hard time. That 5% is always trying to find faults to get some money back from the hosts.

    Do not take chances. I’m aware that every Airbnb hosts spend so much of their time, energy, and money to set up the Airbnb listing. But then, not having professional photography to present your listing at its best, can make or break it.

    If you have come this far, I hope you understand the need for a professional Airbnb Photographer for your short term rental listing. It's time to

    Frequently Asked Questions

    There are always questions, and every question is valuable. Making an informed decision is key. If it's not already answered below, please do not hesitate to shoot me a message or call me at (704)779-1922.