Professional Airbnb Photography in Charlotte NC

August 13, 2023

I will never know what is waiting for me. But I approach each shoot with complete open mindedness, so I embrace the surprise. This Airbnb photo shoot is such kind. Very normal 2 floor townhome / condo Airbnb outlook, but then, it was filled with top notch interior, earth tone colors, and something that I have never been presented with, which is, the airbnb host set it up for a live in style shoot. Amazing table setup with food and snacks, and the accent walls, bedding, small small touches from the moment you open the door to all the way the backyard, it was something that I really did not look forward to, but thoroughly enjoyed taking each photo.

Did I tell you, this is the first time I never used my extreme wide angle which is boring to say the least. As a matter of fact, I wish I never get to use it for an Airbnb photoshoot, and make it look like just another real estate photography. That’s not the intent. Airbnb photos are different. Travelers seek magazine look, not the wide angle that shows everything but it also exposes all the clutters, distort the beautiful point of view that only your eye and a 35-50mm can match.

As much as I enjoyed this shoot, I hope you enjoy these photos as well.
